Saturday, March 12, 2011

Is 2012 really 'the end' ??

Japan was struck by a massive and deadly magnitude-8.9 earthquake 
off its northeastern coast last Friday, 
triggering a 4-metre tsunami that washed away cars 
and tore away buildings along the coast.

Let's send them our prayers!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Here I go again...

When shadows appear in my life, my reaction is to walk slowly and cautiously. 
I feel insecure and desolated, and most of the time, 
I tend to lose the capacity to discern and to understand. 
My heart gets easily wounded, and I always experience melancholy and confusion. 

Every time that I am facing this situation, I have to shut my door to the world
and look for spiritual paths so I can neutralize that 'evil' inside of me.

Faith and family are my best friends, and after some time,
I am able to walk in the light again.

STRONG is my last name.

The Year of the Golden Rabbit

Started on February 3rd and it ends on January 22nd of next year.

According to the Chinese tradition, this is going to be a positive and inspiring year,
concentrated on our inner growth.

The Rabbit will bring the space needed for us to catch our breath and calm our nerves. 
It is our time to re-think about personal values and choices. 
It's the time for negotiation!

Make it a goal to create a safe and peaceful lifestyle, 
so you will be able to calmly deal 
with any problem that may arise.

Video of the Day

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Quote of the day

Look for God. 
Look for God like a man with his head on fire looks for water.

(Elizabeth Gilbert)

I just can't hide it

 To feel physically comfortable with someone else's body is not a decision I can make,
since it has very little to do with how two people think, talk, or even act.

The mysterious magnet is just there...   ;-)