Monday, January 31, 2011

Signs are everywhere!

Sometimes, God sends us answers thru signals.
And even when we are not big believers, 'coincidences' tend to happen when we most need it.

Lately, I've been getting many - important - 'smoke signals' showing me many different paths.

My mind is saying: 'breathe',
My heart is saying: 'shush' ...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Operation Self-Esteem, Day One.

I feel devastated. I'm losing someone I loved deeply...

People always fall in love with the most perfect aspects of each other's personalities. 
Who wouldn't? Anybody can love the most wonderful qualities of another person, 
but that's not all real. Can you also accept their flaws on a daily basis? 
Can you look at your partner’s faults and honestly say: 'I can work around that' ?!
The good stuff is always going to be there, pretty, dreamy and sparkly, 
but the crap underneath can ruin you, and when mutual desire isn't there anymore, 
you can't just force it to exist.

He's away and I'm here, and there is nothing else I can do about this,
I'll just have to leave it up to the good and old 'time heals all wounds'.
Meanwhile, I will have to deal with the pain,
there is so much about my emotions that I will never be able to control, 
but there are few things that I CAN do, and that - hopefully - will make a difference. 

I can decide how I will spend my time and whom I will interact with. 
Whom I will share my money and energy with. 
I will select what to read, eat and study. 
I will also choose my words and the tone of voice in which I will speak to others. 
I will choose my thoughts the same way I can select my clothes every day.
I will choose to fall in love over and over again. 
Eventually, everything else will go away.

When it comes to love...

Respect, tolerance, affection, honesty and communication are 
the main ingredients for a lasting relationship.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When am I going to obtain spiritual balance??

I'm trying to get better at the whole trusting in a higher plan. 
In letting go... and letting God. But it's a real struggle for me. I like to control things! 
I like to plan things out. I like to know where I'm going and how I'm going to get there. 

Trusting, for me, is easier said than done. Even when it comes to God. 
I realize this is incredibly foolish, but it's the pure truth. 
Most of the time, I know and truly believe there's a bigger plan for my life 
and all these little things along the way are in pursuit of that plan. 
But sometimes, especially when I'm focused on the little things themselves, 
it's incredibly hard to see the bigger picture... 
Incredibly hard to trust that my utmost well-being truly is being looked after. 

I want something now. God says "wait". I say "please". God says "No, it's not best for you". 
It's that whole notion of learning to know when the time is right, you'll eventually get the answer you need. Although, perhaps, not the answer you want right now. 

So I'm working on it... I'm praying about it. 
I'm trying to loosen the reins I have on my life because I know it's a silly thing. 
I'm trying to trust more. And look to Him for guidance when I can't seem to understand it on my own.

I'm really trying to balance my selfish and foolish desire for control,
 and just trust His plan. 

Chocolate chip cookie ... truffles!!!

(approx. 3-4 dozen)

2 1/2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup (2 sticks) butter or margarine, room temperature
3/4 cup granulated sugar
3/4 cup packed brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/3 cup milk or soy milk
1 cup mini semi-sweet chocolate chips
14 oz dark chocolate candy coating

  • Beat butter and sugars in a large bowl until is light and fluffy. 
  • Add soy-milk and vanilla. 
  • Stir in flour, baking soda, salt and mix until incorporated. 
  • Stir in chocolate chips.
  • Cover and chill dough for 1 hour.
  • When dough is firm enough to handle (it may help to lightly flour your hands), form dough into 1" balls and arrange on a baking sheet lined with waxed paper. 
  • Place sheets in freezer and let chill for 30 minutes.
  • Melt chocolate candy coating in a double boiler or in microwave according to package directions
  • Using forks or a dipping tool, dip cookie balls into candy coating to cover. 
  • Tap fork on side of pan to remove any excess coating, and return to waxed paper-lined baking sheets. 
  • Chill until is set. 


Home Inspiration: Meditation Room

Ohhh, how nice would it be if I could have a spare room 
where I could be in total isolation of the world, and be able to relax and meditate.
A beautiful place to sit back and get away from the fast-paced and stressful daily activities...

Remember to pick a quiet and bright corner to create your own hideaway, 
where you can breathe freely and gather your thoughts together.
What else?! cushions, candles, potted plants and 
a stereo so you can listen to soft and instrumental music.

Here are some inspirational images, enjoy!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011: 1/11/11

If you’re tuned into mysticism, today is a biggie.
According to numerology, there is a spiritual portal opening, where
you can manifest all sorts of new beginnings with the support of the universe. 
Be clear about what you want, and magnetize your intents through your prayers.

Remember that this date will come again only after 100 years,
and no matter what religion or beliefs you may have,
grab the opportunities that surround you to step into the house of hope...

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Year, New Attitude

January 1st. - The best excuse.

It's impressive how a simple day marked on everybody's calendar 
can make such a big impact on people's lives. 
This is the universal 'hope day', when we create strength for new opportunities.
As we enter a new year, it's good to reflect on the past, but we must leave the past in the past and look ahead to an incredible year where anything could be possible...

I made a long and challenging list of my 2011 resolutions, (That I rather keep it safe and unpublished), but included very simple things such as staying positive, make an effort to take walks of gratitude on a weekly basis, mentor someone and be mentored by someone, read (even more) books, keep the same old healthy habits, and let this be the year where I'll take a hold of all the spiritual blessings the Lord has promised me.

Dear readers, no matter what is happening in your life right now, 
this is your chance for a new beginning, embrace it!  ;-)