Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Operation Self-Esteem, Day One.

I feel devastated. I'm losing someone I loved deeply...

People always fall in love with the most perfect aspects of each other's personalities. 
Who wouldn't? Anybody can love the most wonderful qualities of another person, 
but that's not all real. Can you also accept their flaws on a daily basis? 
Can you look at your partner’s faults and honestly say: 'I can work around that' ?!
The good stuff is always going to be there, pretty, dreamy and sparkly, 
but the crap underneath can ruin you, and when mutual desire isn't there anymore, 
you can't just force it to exist.

He's away and I'm here, and there is nothing else I can do about this,
I'll just have to leave it up to the good and old 'time heals all wounds'.
Meanwhile, I will have to deal with the pain,
there is so much about my emotions that I will never be able to control, 
but there are few things that I CAN do, and that - hopefully - will make a difference. 

I can decide how I will spend my time and whom I will interact with. 
Whom I will share my money and energy with. 
I will select what to read, eat and study. 
I will also choose my words and the tone of voice in which I will speak to others. 
I will choose my thoughts the same way I can select my clothes every day.
I will choose to fall in love over and over again. 
Eventually, everything else will go away.