Tuesday, January 18, 2011

When am I going to obtain spiritual balance??

I'm trying to get better at the whole trusting in a higher plan. 
In letting go... and letting God. But it's a real struggle for me. I like to control things! 
I like to plan things out. I like to know where I'm going and how I'm going to get there. 

Trusting, for me, is easier said than done. Even when it comes to God. 
I realize this is incredibly foolish, but it's the pure truth. 
Most of the time, I know and truly believe there's a bigger plan for my life 
and all these little things along the way are in pursuit of that plan. 
But sometimes, especially when I'm focused on the little things themselves, 
it's incredibly hard to see the bigger picture... 
Incredibly hard to trust that my utmost well-being truly is being looked after. 

I want something now. God says "wait". I say "please". God says "No, it's not best for you". 
It's that whole notion of learning to know when the time is right, you'll eventually get the answer you need. Although, perhaps, not the answer you want right now. 

So I'm working on it... I'm praying about it. 
I'm trying to loosen the reins I have on my life because I know it's a silly thing. 
I'm trying to trust more. And look to Him for guidance when I can't seem to understand it on my own.

I'm really trying to balance my selfish and foolish desire for control,
 and just trust His plan.