Monday, July 18, 2011

Breathing is easy

I went through a slightly pessimistic stage, (argh argh argh)
but got tired of just standing on the platform of life,
watching everybody and everything pass me by.
I am finally realizing that when we are broken, 
our sharp edges cut the others,
and letting our emotions run our behavior 
without applying any sound reasoning is not an approach
 that typically gets good results.

I need to remind myself that the world is full of beautiful things and
interesting conversational topics dying to be discussed.
I am much stronger than depression.
I am not afraid to sleep now.

Everything is somehow a bit better. ..... or so it seems.

Today, I'm grateful for:
* Being alive.
* The most amazing person that my father is. 
* Light, because it allows me to see colors!
* The woodpecker outside my window that wakes me up every single day.
* My homemade gnocchi. - Cause nothing beats homemade!
* Having my sisters as my best friends. 
* The free hugs from everyone.
* Adrenaline rushes.
* Believing myself.
* The full moon!
* Architecture and Interior Design.
* Fashion.
* Songs that bring back good memories.
* Books!!!!!!
* The Boca Lake boating experience.
* Kind strangers.
* My bosses's compliments. 
* The man with the beautiful smile, who keeps trying to make me smile.
* Talking to my hero (mom) on the phone for many hours.
* The Italians, for their pasta!
* Water.
* Hippopotamuses. (I find them adorable)
* Candles!!!
* H. O. L. I. D. A. Y. S.
* Paulo Coelho and ALL of his books.
* The 4 seasons.
* Paris.
* Coffee.
* High heels.
* Mother nature.
* People who understand me without me having to explain anything.
* Jesus Christ.
* The pouring tropical storms. 
* Being home alone. 
* Being home with my good friends.

And this is not the end.