Thursday, April 7, 2011

Back to basics

So, I've thrown myself into several new projects for the past few days,
and I've been finding great satisfaction in going back to the strongest side of me.

It's good to get up really early in the morning to jump in my meditation room,
light a white candle, and listen to my Norah Jones while 
I get really picky about what inspirational book I'll be taking to bed at night.
Yes, I admit it. I can only keep some sort of 'balance' when I keep on reading 'self-help' books.
So far, it's the best way I found to understand the world, 
accept my faults, forgive myself and forget others..

Starting something new is like falling in love again.

And talking about love, ... I'm not in a hurry. 
I have a life outside of my feelings.
There's no desperation here, but rather, desire! 
The desire to see if he's out there.......