Wednesday, April 27, 2011

12 months ago

About 1 year ago, I had snow, ice and all that good stuff melting down outside my windows.
I had no money, no family, no peace and absolutely no love. 
But I had God and about 4 to 5 friends who really made the difference. 
I never slept a full night (for a very long time).
I could not think straight. I was afraid. I was lost. 
I had no hope, no dreams, no present and no future.

As of today, I have the sun, the ocean and the sand burning down my feet.
A little bit of money is starting to show up magically. 
I have family around. And lots of love.
God is still 'hanging' on my right side, and good friends are still making the difference.

How did I get here?
The last 6 months have been a fog for me.
My head only started to clear recently.
I am getting clearer in my thinking, I make decisions about my future.
Sometimes I find myself dancing alone in my kitchen. Naked. (I kid you not)
There is still fog around the top but my brain is starting to renew..

Spring is in the air and I actually see blooms popping up everywhere.
Looking in the mirror and no longer seeing sad eyes.
Walking with stronger steps.
New life. New hope.
I see a renewal and I want to go on.
I welcome the change! 

And I am still finding my own ways, 
and I am still - proudly - learning to be me.