Monday, September 27, 2010

Lost princess, modern world

It’s not an easy task to describe my feelings. 
Not at all, my friend. And it’s getting worse with time.
I miss my life when things were just plain simple! 
Childhood, sweet sixteens, seventeens, eighteens. Oh, Sweet twenties! 
It was so much easier to fall in love, 
fall in someone’s arms and believe that those arms would hold me forever...

Today, I am just falling apart. 
In and out of love. In and out of places. In and out of life.
Is it the weather? Is it the harsh reality? Is it our past? 
So unfair to live a life that is based on what other people did to us. 
It’s past! It should stay there, buried! 
Not on my present or on my mind, where I can’t fall in new arms all over again.

But I thank God for all the knights in shining armor riding their white horses! 
They come out of nowhere, sometimes not in horses; 
sometimes in regular compact cars or riding the subway, 
but they treat us girls like we should be treated, 
they go after what they want, they hug us harder when we try to run away! 

They have the gift of making a poor abandoned creature feeling loved again 
... and back in the game.

At some point, I’ll have to make a decision. 
Boundaries don't keep other people out. They fence me in. 
And it's more than just a game. 
I could either take that step forward, or turn around and walk away. 

I could easily quit, but you know what? 
.. I love to play in the field.