Tuesday, September 28, 2010

If I could be a movie.......

I know exactly what it is to share the same roof with a partner that you no longer love; to be unhappy and empty under that roof but way too scared to let go. I also know how it feels to pack a whole home by yourself, and just drop that whole life of yours inside of some storage building. I also know how it feels to manage a intercultural life looking for more.. more of a "think outside the box" kind of thing. More spirit. More answers. More love. More life! Anyway, it's great to know that this writer had a fulfilling journey. It gives me hope! :-)) .. and did I mention that she ended up with a Brazilian?! ........

(I read the book before watching the movie, and I should tell you: it's 100 times better. But for all of the lazy heads out there, this 'flix' is a great option)