Friday, September 24, 2010

Paris X NYC

Paris was founded about 1,800 years ago 
(the French later stole most of Europe's land, wealth, and works of art, 
yet at least Royal heads did roll in 1793).

NYC was founded in 1624 
(the Dutch stole it from the Native Americans, and the English stole it from the Dutch).

Paris Population:
City population: 6 million (approx.)
Varied, and almost as many people as NYC.  
More arrogant, on average, than New Yorkers (impossible to believe, I know). 
No doubt, a world city. 

NYC Population:
City population: 8 million
Varied, and many. Generally well educated (especially in Manhattan). 
Arrogant, even when being lampooned by Seinfeld and Woody Allan. 
Full of itself, and pompous, but truly a 'world city'.

Paris Sidewalk cafés: 
Too numerous to count, awnings to boot.  Most (and best?) in world.

NYC Sidewalk cafés:  
Lame to none (tougher winters, and narrower sidewalks than Paris, with too many trash bags stacked one atop the other). But in Astoria is actually quite nice!