Monday, June 13, 2011

Homemade Honey Liquor

There is a whole special 'Brazilian way' of preparing homemade liquors 
and 'after dinner drinks' from several fruits and vegetables. 
This is my mother's - famous - honey liquor recipe:

1 cup of honey
4 cups of water
1 cup of cachaça
1 cinnamon stick (in pieces)

Place the honey and cinnamon in a saucepan. 
Pour 4 cups of water and whisk well. 
Bring to a boil, lower the heat and let it reduce by half, 
until it reaches the consistency of light syrup, about 20 minutes, 
skimming off the foam occasionally.

Remove the pan from the heat, and let it cool at room temperature, 
uncovered, for about 30 minutes.

Add the cachaça and whisk well. 
Strain the mixture into a measuring cup with a stout. 
Discard the cinnamon pieces. 

Carefully pour the honey liquor into the sterilized glass jar, and close tightly. 

Keep it in a dry place for 2-4 weeks at room temperature, 
allowing the flavors to develop and the color to get darker. 

Serve after dinner (in small liquor glasses), and enjoy!

Makes about 4 cups and is 'valid' for up to 2 years in a tightly sealed glass jar.