Tuesday, June 14, 2011

I'm letting 'us' free

Forgiveness doesn't mean that I'm going to pretend that things didn't happen. 
I'm conscious of how I've been 'played' in my past relationship, 
but I choose to be the better person
I'll forgive while I'm forgeting.

I truly understand that some people won't always know
how to use their 'free will'.(innocent and immature mistakes)
But at the same time, their choices have no right to bring bitterness to my life.
I choose to keep my mental sanity and strength.
There's no need for any type of radicalism or 'revenge'.
I'll keep myself out of his ways, simply cause I prefer a much cleaner path.
  We all know that I don't need to hide.
(after all, I am not the one who should be feeling ashamed)

I'm proudly rising above the conflicts.
All the darkness will pass because I rather love my universe.
(love is the only bridge, the only way between the creature and 'the Creator', 
between man and his fellow beings)

This is my rebirth.