Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Me, renewed

I have officially drifted back to my own rules of independence.
Grew tired of my whining, and exhausted of not being able
to do much regarding some relationships.

It always ended up being a lot more drama 
than I have ever bargained for!

But today, here I am bursting myself full of life!
Working lots of extra hours, reading 3 to 4 books at a time,
shopping a lot, cooking a lot, singing beautifully, jogging plus yoga 3 times a week,
playing tennis every saturday, boating every sunday, blogging matters of my heart,
practicing (truth is, trying to play) my guitar once in while,
praying all the time, swimming every night, re-decorating for the past 2 weeks,
meditating in every 12 hours, drinking 'my blue moons' once in a blue moon,
taking my 'Italian-for-beginners' classes, trying to improve my english vocabulary,
 trying not to forget my primary portuguese, trying to write in spanish,
and, ... dating myself.
(to be quite honest, I am the best date I've ever had)

And - for now - I will keep it as it is.
(I am so not in the mood for all the games that a new relationship would bring)
Honestly, I'm feeling fed up with the mentality of the majority of the guys out there.
And I don't have the patience for the casual 'average Joes',
I won't keep my present open to someone that doesn't see himself in my future.
What a screwed up generation I ended up with! eww!!

And for the people who want to judge me because I'm 'too picky', be my guest!
I like to make myself clear about what I want.
This isn't about being in control, but rather about adjusting my life to my own rules.

When it comes to my love life, I am not in a rush.
But if someone wants to approach me, 
he better not have any expiration dates.

Meanwhile, GOD loves me and life is good.