Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

We all know that a lack of sleep causes visible dark circles under our eyes,
slow us down and gives us a grumpy feeling.
Besides, a good night’s sleep is much more than a luxury! 
Its benefits includes improvements in concentration, memory and productivity.

And, one 'little detail' that most people still don't know:
sleep deprivation is also associated with obesity!
When we are sleep deprived, cortisol levels rise.
(cortisol raises insulin levels and increases fat deposition around the abdomen)

They don't call it 'beauty sleep' for nothing! 

When I have trouble sleeping, I try to engage myself in some good books
followed by a soothing bubble bath full of lavender oils and scented salts.
 Hot decaffeinated herbal tea (or hot milk) also works wonders!

Remember that when someone says 'you look tired', 
they actually mean 'ugly'.