Monday, November 29, 2010

Long lasting affection

Seeing old couples holding hands fills my heart with so much love,
that I hope that will be me one day.
I dream of a world full of 'tied-together hearts' and long lives living together!

 ~ True love stories never have endings ~

Xmas spirit!

It’s that time of the year!
Thanksgiving has come and gone, so now it's the time to put the tree up,
feather our nests, break out throw blankets and make our home a little more snugly.

May the Spirit of Christmas be with you!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

33 life lessons

It's my Birthday tomorrow,
and I'll be turning 33. The age of Christ.

33..., how did I get here?
And where am I going? how much time is left?
Worse of all - how much energy is left?
I will ponder more of this between my ups and downs, 
since I am still in a process of figuring out who I am.

 I'm seating here, thinking about life, sorting out what I have learned,
 fighting to keep my balance, my sanity, and trying to get comfortable on my own skin.

Here is a list of 33 life lessons I have learned - not in school - at the age of 33:
  1. I can love somebody more than anything, but at the same time not love this person all that much if I keep myself busy with other things.
  2. Time REALLY heals all the wounds.
  3. Motivation comes in short bursts.
  4. People deserve a second chance, but not a third.
  5. Bad things do happen to good people.
  6. Love has nothing to do with looks, but everything to do with time, trust and compatibility.
  7. It’s the simple things in life that are the most extraordinary.
  8. Positive Thinking!!!
  9. Prayer REALLY makes that difference.
  10.  There is no 'someday'. There’s only now.
  11.  Stress is toxic and it can lead to serious health problems.
  12. I deserve happiness, love, peace and joy.
  13. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
  14. Whatever doesn't kill me really does make me stronger.
  15. However bad a situation is, this too shall pass.
  16. Miracles are waiting to happen.
  17. A deep breath calms the mind.
  18.  Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
  19. If there is a problem, there is a solution.
  20. I am today what I did yesterday. 
  21. Every week is filled with trials and tribulations; absolutely normal.
  22. Every time I think I’ve seen it all, I get schooled out.
  23. It's better to be weird than boring.
  24. Everyday is an opportunity for growth.
  25. There’s no place like home.
  26. Being in the right place at the right time can make a huge difference.
  27. My word is my most valuable asset.
  28. My family should always be my priority.
  29. If I want to get richer, I need to start getting earlier.
  30. Karma REALLY is a b*tch.
  31. I am what I eat. (and drink!)
  32. Consistency is the key to achieving personal pursuits.
  33. Life is About People, I can’t succeed on my own.

Quote of the day

The hardest thing to see is what is in front of your eyes.” 

~ Goethe

Home Inspiration: Home Office

After a horrible journey into the city this morning,
due to cold weather, train delays and irritated fellow colleagues,
I’ve been dreaming about working from home.
How perfect my life would be if I had the chance to get the job done
while still wearing my PJs.

Hopefully, very soon.
Meanwhile, I'll be keeping myself busy with great ideas
for a beautiful and versatile home office.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Je suis amoureux

There is something incredibly alluring about everything French. 
The amazing people, the fashion, the extraordinary food, stunning architecture 
and especially the romantic interiors filled with mirrors, chandeliers and flowers.

Changing the subject for a bit,
I think that I am falling - hard - in love, 
which it leads me to - often - daydream about a Paris honeymoon. Ooh la la!

Home Inspiration: pure white

There is something enchanting about white.
Not only is perfectly compatible with any other color, 
but also gives striking contrast if combined with vibrant tones.
The main advantage to use white is to visually enlarge any interior.

Ethereal is the word that comes to my mind when I look at these inspirational images.

Open heart

It's true that we don't know what we've got until it's gone, 
but we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives.....

Let me love you all the way to the moon.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Moi je joue

Oooh, to be Parisian and live an extraordinary life like the model on the new Dior commercial.  
Maybe one day!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Life is too short to sleep ugly

Your bedroom is the first thing you see in the morning and the last thing you see at night.
And your bed, is your personal oasis where you can reveal details of your mind and emotions.
I hope you can find inspiration with this beautiful bedroom pictures.

Sweet dreams!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Cranberry Sauce 'a la Gigi' - For a classic Thanksgiving!


12 ounces cranberries, 1 cup of white sugar, 1 cup of orange juice,
1/2 cup of pineapple in cubes and 2 cinnamon sticks.

In a medium sized pan, dissolve the sugar in the orange juice. 
Stir in with the pineapples and cranberries, 
and cook for about 10 minutes. 
(you will see the cranberries starting to pop). 
Remove from heat and place sauce in a bowl. 
Add the cinnamon sticks on top.
Cranberry sauce will thicken as it cools.

Take a deep breath to enjoy precious moments,
delicious food, and the blessing to have a family! 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Home Inspiration: Navy blue and white

Nautical. For those who love the sea!
Navy blue represents the sport of yachting,
but you can also bring this theme to your home.
It is a mysterious, classic and timeless look.

See you at the beach!