Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Winter is right around the corner

Temperatures are falling, and it's starting to get really cold.
The long, carefree days of summer are behind us, 
and now it gets dark depressingly early in the evening.
You can't go anywhere without bundling up into a million layers, 
and where is there to even go in the city when it's so cold out? 

To soothe it, below are few reasons to embrace the coming freeze:

Hot Drinks:
Herbal teas, hot chocolate, espresso, hot cider or whiskey; You name it!

Turn off the alarm, curl up and soak in the warm, 
shameless laziness afforded to you by the freezing temperatures.

Get some reading done:
Now that it will soon be altogether unpleasant outside most of the time, 
staying inside and cozy, and getting lost in a good read is a far easier thing to justify.

Bring Warmth Inside:
Using warm colors on our walls can help us beat the ‘Winter Blues’.
If repainting your walls is not in your budget, 
well placed and chosen artwork can create an inviting and cozy feeling in your home. 

(Color Forecast for Apparel, Accessories, & Interiors)

Fall/Winter collection:
Doesn't everyone just look so chic in cold-weather clothing?
Dig in and enjoy it!

Happy Winter!