Friday, October 22, 2010

But what about those chapped lips?

The holiday season demands more smiles than the rest of the year; 
family visiting, friends wishing each other the best for the new year - lots of grins! 
But our lips do not have the same natural oils that protect the rest of our body, 
nor do they have melanin, the pigment that helps keep the skin from burning. 
Without the oils and melanin, our lips are exposed to everything nature sends your way.

You can easily prevent your lips from drying by following a simple set of steps:
  1. Lips should be moisturized around the clock, a good Lip balm or Neosporin will do. But you can also you can also resort to home remedies, such as olive oil, honey and cucumber juice.
  2. It is better to cut down the lipstick use in cold season. Coloring agents in lipsticks fret at sores, exposing the lips to inflammation - you don’t want the formulas with glycerin, petrochemicals, alcohol and menthol.
  3. The nervous habit of licking your lips may also get bacteria to them. If you have this bad habit, apply bitter pepperscastor oil or aloe juice to the lips and your habit disappears as if by magic.
  4. Applying masks and beauty products is not enough for healthy lips. Fatty and spicy food as well as alcohol is strictly excluded. Drink 2 liters of water every day. Enrich your diet with red meat, oatmeal, nuts, fresh vegetables and fruits.