Saturday, October 2, 2010

Writing 'my heart out'

""" Holly: - What do you do, anyway?
Paul: - I'm a writer, I guess.
Holly: - You guess? Don't you know?
Paul: - OK, positive statement. Ringing affirmative. I'm a writer.
- Breakfast at Tiffany's """
I think all writers have met with this question at some point. 
We all doubt ourselves, look at 'real writers' and think that 
"they are successful/hard-working/creative 
and they have a much snazzier beret than I do. They're REAL writers."

But here's the thing: there is NO accurate way to define a 'real writer'!

 To one person it might mean - as Holly Golightly said - being paid for your work. 
To another person it might mean putting in a certain amount of daily work on a project. 
To yet another, it might mean sitting on panels at writer conferences 
and signing books for queues of fans. Everyone has a different definition.

To me, you are a 'real writer' if you like to write, and make the time for it.