Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pleasant Sunday

I admit it. It's hard to stay home when you live in New York City. 
There's is always something to do or someone to visit. 
From quiet to crazy attractions, there is something for everyone! 
But being from a much smaller town, and growing up near a undisturbed beach, 
helped me turn into a relaxed and reserved person. 

Don't get me wrong, I love being out and about,
 and seeing new things, but just NOT all the time! 
I don't know how some people do it, I need my 'lazy afternoons' and 
all the meditation time I could get in order to keep up with this overflowing city. 

And what is a Sunday if not an excuse to do nothing but read the paper, 
stay up with my magazines and catch up on my guitar lessons over multiple coffees? 

"A house is more than just a shelter from the storm. 
How we shape our homes, and how we behave within them, 
speak volumes about our history, our values and our way of life." 
~ The New York Times