Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Racional or emotional??

After a particularly difficult month, it was easy to become discouraged. 
Thoughts of 'what am I doing here?' or 'where am I going with this?' started to creep in.
Lately, my true plans and priorities have been swept aside by my emotions,
and frustration suddenly became part of my daily routine.

My mind told me to focus on 'me'; my career, my personal issues, 
my ambitions, my kingdom, my present, my future.
I know this is the right path, and I know that I'll only be successful if I keep myself on track.
So I started to take care of 'me' this past weekend, when I took off on a luxurious quick get-away to my favorite little cozy resort. The same place that embraced me - and saved me - once. Or twice.
Invited my sisters, took a day off and left the world. 
Then I went furniture shopping. Got lovely new stuff, rearranged the whole house, 
cleaned up the old dust and sent away all of my ghosts. 

The lavender scents and the vanilla candles are giving me new hopes.
And I'm hoping to easily turn back to the cold corporate b*tch that I was once - or twice.

Me. Me. Me. Deep breaths. ... ...
... But that sounds so selfish, that I don't really know if I could - or want - to do it.

And that’s my dilemma.